True Life: I am a victim of the vicious salty-sweet cycle of doom. You know, you know…. when you eat something salty, then you NEED something sweet…. then you definitely NEED something salty again… then you concoct some really weird salty/sweet combo such as caramel cream pretzel sandwiches (that actually…
Urban Outfitters & I Are Dating
It’s probably just about official that Urban Outfitters & I have an intimate relationship. From clothes to their accessories & home decor, I’m just down-right obsessed with it all. (I even shop the Men’s side!!) I have to avoid going in all-together sometimes because I know what sort of trouble…
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Homemade Lip Exfoliant
I threw together a lil’ homemade lip exfoliant this morning because I find that the summer sun can really destroy my smoochers (even more so than winter!). Working in a hospital (a.k.a. a polar vortex) with dry air doesn’t help the sitch either. Just mix together — + 1 scoop…
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I stumbled upon Thought Catalog a few years back & have ever-since loved reading the articles that they post. Some area LMAO-funny, some are stupid, some are sappy, some make you think… but overall, they areĀ all relateable….which is why I’m addicted to Thought Cat. Here’s a list of some of…
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2 Ingredient Banana Pancakes
If the only thing you’ve got to your name are eggs and bananas, you can make these healthy, fabulous, light, and delicioso pancakes. Just mash up 1 nanner & 1 beaten egg (1:1 ratio) & you’ll have yourself some paleo-diet-friendly $ silva dolla $ pancakes. Now the 2-ingredient recipe is…
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Metallic Mash Up
Ā Alright so I’m loving metallics right now. Spice up a boring outfit with a little buzzzzing … & mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, I just luv it. I guess I didn’t realize until today, but I’m loving metallics outside of my wardrobe as well.Ā So here I go… I’m gonna…
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Buh Bye Toxins // Why You Should Skin Brush + A Detox Bath Recipe
Ā Let’s talk a lil’ bit about dry brushing. I started brushin’ my bodĀ a few years back when I accidentally forgot to work outĀ for a vaca ((desperate times, desperate measures)) I will admit to being inconsistent with it over the years due to pure laziness, BUT, I can tell you, it…
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35 Little Tips on Love (Happy Anni, Rents!)
Today is my parent’s 35th anniversary!! I mean sheeeeez… it’s crrrrrazzzy to think of spending 35 years with just ONE person. But I guess like they say, when ya know, ya know. Kath & Ed have set such a great example for what a marriage should look like for me…
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Sunday’s Snazzy Guacs
Happy Sunday peeps! Hope you all had a fab weekend. Once the after-effects of Saturday night wore off, I bustedĀ out a little domestication up in the kitchen. {I’m DEFINITELY not feeling or looking very diva-licious today} Mexican was what I was craving so what better way to kick offĀ dinner…
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…On My Desk
So let’s take a little peaky-peak at what’s posted up on my desk. I may or may not be a living trinket-hoarder. I am just weak for all mini, random, & decorative “things” — bowls, cups, candles, plates, baskets…you name it, I’ll find a spot for it somewhere. [seriously though,…
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Quinoa-Crusted Eggplant Parm
DOMESTIC diva in the hOuSsSsEeE! This recipe is a keeper for-really. After a spontaneous decision to go kayaking with Chadster, home girl was ready to EAT. I put a lil’ spin on the traditional eggplant parmesan and used quinoa as the breading. The quinoa was definitely different but a GOOD…
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Cheat Day
Father’s Day Inside Out Carrot Cake Muffin
Last night the fam & I celebrated an early Father’s Day for Big Ed because we aren’t all able to make it on Sunday. My dad loooves carrot cake, so I made him these awesome inside-out carrot cake muffins with cream cheese filling that I’ve whipped up a few times…