“Bloggers Block” + 4 Tips to Shake It

Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017 Vinyl trend Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017 Vans Old Skool Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017 Vinyl trend Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017 Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017 Vinyl Trend


It’s been a little while hasn’t it?

If you saw my Instagram post last night, you know that I’ve recently been facing some serious Bloggers Block.Ā  Yep, BLOGGERS BLOCK.

For the last week or so, anytime I’ve tried to do anything (i.e. write, take an IG photo, try to find the perfect lighting, etc), it fails. Hitting the finish line to be able to press “Publish” or “Post” has been a struggle. I am somewhat of a perfectionist (Josh, I know you’re rolling your eyes right now LOL) so I get pretty frustrated when I’m not on my A-game with the blog.

Even my every day life has been “klutzier” than normal.Ā  I’m laughing now, but I’ve shattered a full glass bottle of olive oil on my kitchen floor, knocked over a stand of ice cream cones at Giant Eagle, and broke all of the bulbs on one of my soft box lights in just a short span of 5 days. GREAT!!

Call this post pessimistic, but it’s real and it happens. Finding clear, focused head space to create content filled with pretty pictures and exciting stories isn’t always so easy.

But in the midst of feeling these negative feels, I thought what better way to get back into the groove of things than to write about my experience with Bloggers Block and what I (try to) do to shake it. Since many of you guys are bloggers too, I hope these tips help and most importantly, remind you that it’s totally normal to go through these phases!

Jenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it... | Winter 2017 AccessoryJenna Boron of life and personal style blog, Balance and Chaos, talks about her experience with bloggers block and 4 tips on how to shake it | VANS Old Skool

STEP 1: JUST STOP. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just stop. This is hard for me but Josh had to remind me of this yesterday. Stop trying to come up with something to write about, stop trying to desperately find an old photo in your gallery to post on Instagram, stop sitting in front of the computer with empty thoughts. Personally, I find that if I just surrender and take a solid break, my mojo will come back naturally once I’m calm, cool, and collected. Warning: this may take a few days or weeks. It’s totally okay!

STEP 2: LOG OUT OF SOCIAL MEDIA APPS AND TAKE A BREAK. We all know that Instagram has it’s way of portraying a false reality. When I’m going through a creative block, seeing other influencers’ hustle can be inspiring but it can also be frustrating if you start playing the comparison game. Read my old post for 4 tips to help you stop comparing + why collaboration has more value than competition.

STEP 3: DO SOMETHING ELSE.Ā Doing things outside of the blogging world is always important but crucial if you’re experiencing a block. Get away from the blue light, I’m sure it’s so bad for us anyway.Ā  Cook, read a book, go visit a friend or family member, sit in silence (I love doing this at the end of the night while rolling my feet on my Himalayan salt massage balls).

STEP 4: BRAINSTORM AND PLAN. This comes last and only after the worst has passed. Dramatic, right? Once I’m feeling more motivated and back in the game, I find it useful to write everything down on paper. There’s something about a hand-written list that helps me do my thing.


photos: Lex King

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