This post is sponsored by Revtown. All opinions remain my own.

You may recall me talking about Revtown in the past. But if not, here I am again, spilling the beans about Josh’s favorite denim brand.
It’s no secret that Josh is tall (6’7″ to be exact). When we first started dating, he told me how challenging it was to find clothes that fit right that don’t require extra tailoring and/or don’t cost an arm and a leg for a custom order. Of course I thought I could solve the issue and assumed he was just hunting in all the wrong places. Well, turns out I was very wrong. It really is that difficult! …If the body fits then the sleeves are too short, if the length is good then it’s too wide. And pants – that’s just a whole other level of complicated!
With that being said, he was introduced to the brand Revtown about a year or two ago through me. Needless to say, fits him per-fect-ly. Revtown is truly his go-to pair of jeans these days. They also have a line for the ladies which I had the opportunity to try recently. I have their high-rise skinny jean in the color *Black Black*. I love how darkly saturated the color is and how they hug me in all the right places.
I can’t forget to mention that they also have tees and tops for both men and women. I’m wearing their The Standard Crew white tee and Josh has on their The Standard Henley in these pictures. If you love basics (who actually doesn’t?), you can’t go wrong here.

If you’re looking for a last minute Valentine’s Day idea, be sure to check out their Better Together Crate. If not for V-Day, it would be a great gift for a birthday, just because, anniversary, etc. Orrrr, just go ahead and tell your significant other about Revtown – they won’t be disappointed.
Their mission is simple: to create great jeans
The price is right
They created their jeans with the best parts of workout gear in mind (i.e. comfort, flexibility/stretch, durability)
Clean denim production is their priority & 100% of waste is recycled into yarn or insulation for local housing
Free domestic shipping & returns
And to wrap up this post, I thought it’d be fun to do a quick relationship Q&A to tie in the Valentine’s Day theme. Won’t take up too much time with this but here are some basic ones if you’re new here!
[ HOW DID YOU MEET? ] Josh and I met at a bar. You know, the classic love story. We had about a 1 minute interaction. No really, maybe less than 1 minute. If you know me, this story that I’m about to tell always surprises people because it is very out of character. Anyway, so I walked right up to him, I think I said something along the lines of “you’re hot”, proceeded to add my phone number into his phone, then continued on my way to the upper level of the bar with my friends. I don’t believe I even got his name that night. He later told me he didn’t know what my name was either but in the morning he scrolled through his contact list until he found one that sounded familiar/new then shot me a text.
[ HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER? ] After our initial bump-in at the bar, we texted back and forth for weeks but I had always been super weird/awkward about dating so I just kept saying no. I had also just gotten out of a relationship a few months prior so I was trying to avoid jumping back into one. Just when Josh was about to give up on the whole thing, I finally agreed to get together. So if we’re counting from our very first “date”, it’s been a little over 4 years.
[ WHERE WAS YOUR FIRST DATE? ] Well, like I mentioned above, dating has never been my thing. I had always preferred to just meet up with our friends out or just plain old avoid it. The thought of sitting across from someone I barely know or don’t know at all at a nice dinner makes my heart skip 938724 beats. Obviously Josh and I eventually went to dinners together when we were still fresh and new but I’m moreso referring to the first date or 2. Anyway, when I finally agreed to hang out with him, it was kind of on a whim so I brought over what we called a *fun zone bag* to his apartment. The *fun zone bag* consisted of alcoholic beverages, a frozen pizza, and board games. I’m laughing out loud as a write this… so classy of me.
[ WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON LIVING TOGETHER? ] I was definitely nervous to move in with Josh – not because I didn’t think we’d get along but mostly because change is scary and I was concerned what my parents would say. Sounds silly but they’re pretty old-school when it comes to that kind of stuff. But we ultimately had an open conversation about it and they trusted my decision. It’s super exciting making that change but also a little nerve-wrecking. I can still remember standing in my empty apartment that I lived in alone for 2 years thinking – wow, I won’t have my own place to come home to anymore without another human being there. It’s a serious commitment and nothing to be taken lightly but I do personally think it’s also an important step in a relationship to know if you can or cannot live with a person.
[ WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES TOGETHER? ] Getaway to the Dominican 2 years ago. Luke Bryan concert. Zip-lining. Family vacations together.
[ WHO SAID I LOVE YOU FIRST? ] Definitely Josh – haha. Again, I’m an awkward turtle.
[ WHAT ARE YOUR LOVE LANGUAGES? ] So if you’ve ever read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, you know what this question means. I always laugh and say I’m all 5 but I rank highest with Words of Affirmation and Quality Time. Josh’s is Acts of Service. You can take the quiz here!
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this post and don’t forget to check out Revtown!