Recipe For The Perfect Lazy Day

photo-114photo-312photo 2photo 5Happy Spring!!!! …..errrr, uhh… or maybe not??? It’s snowing here in Pittsburgh so it sure doesn’t feel like the season changed.

Anywho. We’ll save that tangent for another day.

I curated the perfect recipe for a lazy day off of work. Here’s what I’m doing today:

+ lounging in my favorite flannel jammies

+ …with fuzzy socks on, of course (I get made fun of at work for alwaysssss having these on… tip: put vaseline in the socks for extra soft feet!)

+ …andddd with a 90s hair claw in (duh again)

+ watching my morning shows (LOOOOOVE Kelly & Michael)

+ giving myself an at-home white mani (check it out in this tumblr pic)

+ listening to my “My Happy Place” playlist on Spotify (remember this post?!)

+ sipping cutesie diet hot chocolate

+ snacking on popcorn with curry powder (I hate curry in real life so don’t knock it before you try it!)

+ jumping in the bathtub later for a relaxing DIY rose bath salt detox

+ with my favorite Soyil candle lit (read more about these fabulous soy candles here)

I’m pretty sure I have it all covered but what’s your favorite way to unwind on your lazy days off?

Happy Friday :)))

X, j