All Things Mesh For Halloween

Jenna Boron of Balance & Chaos shares her favorite MESH tops and dresses that you can pair with your YouTube makeup this Halloween

T-3 weeks until Halloween!

To be completely honest, I’m not super into the costume aspect of it. I feel like there’s 2 sides of the spectrum when it comes to Halloween. You’re either a “Halloween person”…or you’re just not.ย  I am the latter.

Fun fact: When I was in college, I tried to make a candy-themed Katy Perry “California Girls” costume and it lit-er-ally fell apart at a frat house. I had to change into one of myย  guy friend’s shorts and t-shirt and was left wearing just tacky remnants of the costume. Mens clothing + a pink wig + stilletos = major costume FAIL. That was it for me.

With that being said, for those of you who aren’t into costumes either and plan to do some serious Halloween YouTube makeup instead, I gathered my favorite mesh tops and dresses for you. Mesh is perfect for Halloween in my opinion. Plus, you can totally wear these styles after the fact.



++ Be sure to check out my last post on BAKED Cinnamon Sugar PUMPKIN Donut Holes

++ Get in the Halloween spirit with this Purple Spooky Cocktail

++ Make this Fall Quinoa and Butternut Squash Salad

Talk soon!

photo: Lex King