DIY Eucalyptus Shower Bombs


One word: UGH.

I wanted to start the new year off strong with tons of fresh blog inspiration, healthy eating, early wake ups, and positive vibes but that was a big… fat… fail.

I got sick the day after New Years and basically slept for 3 days straight and ate nothing but bread (NOT goals). I tried to be productive yesterday but it was like my body and brain were in slow motion.

As expected, my cabin fever peaked and I needed to do something. So I whipped up these shower bombs. Made with love by yours truly (with a Kleenex stuffed in my nostril).

These cubes are made with vapor rub and eucalyptus to help you to breath. Plus, it made my shower a little exciting!?

I got this idea while browsing “eucalyptus” on Pinterest and stumbled upon The Homespun Hydranea’s creation. Genius! I added extra essential oil but all in all the same.

Breathe easy my friends.

X, j


1  cup corn starch

3 tablespoons vapor rub

3-4 tablespoons water

5-6 drops eucalyptus

1 drop blue food coloring

1 drop green food coloring


Stir/smash corn starch & vapor rub together with an egg beater

Add water

You want a THICK paste so you may need to add extra water

Add food coloring (not necessary) & mix

Pack into an ice cube tray and freeze for 20 minutes

Pop on the floor of the showerSHOWER BOMB 2