Why hello.
I’m a little late to my 2021 intentions post. But I always find that there’s too much going on during the holidays to be ready with well-thought out resolutions by New Years Day. And like many of you, I usually have a bit of a hangover on January 1st.
Josh and I spent this New Years Eve from the couch with lots of red wine, good music, and Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve on in the background. You know — quarantine style.
I hope you all enjoyed the holidays whatever that looked like for you! And since you made it this far into my post — thank you for sticking around for another year! New or OG reader, it truly means the world that you choose to consume my content. XOX
Now onto my 2021 resolutions. Over the last two weeks, I’ve added to this list in my iPhone’s notes section. Some are random, some are personal, and some are more work-related. Here’s what I came up with in no particular order:
+ Read 4 books this year | I really want to start reading so I’m setting a realistic goal of just 4 books for the year. I am not *a reader* so that’s going to be my starting point. I think the change of pace from screen to book will be a healthy habit to add to my lifestyle & hopefully a stress reliever. If you have any recommendations, send them my way! I think I’m more into self-help type books but I’m open to anything.
+ Build my email list | This is definitely something I want to focus on for my blog & business in 2021. If social media went away tomorrow, I want to make sure I can reach my audience without those platforms. You can drop your info here if you want to subscribe to my emails!
+ Less stuff | Clutter and excessive amounts of clothing/skincare/kitchen junk/tangible items overwhelms me but I do often bring it upon myself. We did a major purge in the house to kick off the new year and the goal is to be more mindful about new purchases moving forward.
+ Give more compliments | Not sure if you guys feel the same about this one but a compliment from a stranger can make my whole day. Like when the cashier at Trader Joe’s tells me she likes my sweater – HOW NICE!? I want to make others feel the same more often. So this includes giving friends AND strangers like the barista at the local coffee shop more random compliments!
+ Annual wellness visits | I think one thing we can all take from 2020 is that health is everything. I haven’t been great about scheduling regular visits to a PCP or dermatologist and I think it’s time to get with the program now that I am 30.
+ More realistic to-do lists | Something I noticed recently is that I set my day up with too many tasks. This leaves me feeling anxious some days because it’s not a realistic amount of work to do in the time period. I want to be better about prioritizing my goals for the day and try to cross them off in order. Which leads me to my next point…
+ One thing at a time | Okay, I am QUEEN of going from one thing to the next without finishing. This isn’t just relevant to work-related tasks but also everyday things. For example, after I workout I tend to leave my weights out, then I shower and leave my makeup on the counter, then I start on a blog post but remember that I have to ship a package, then I get hungry so I need to eat and leave the dishes in the sink so that I can scurry back to posting an Instagram by a certain time, then I miss my prime posting window because I remember I need text a friend back, then by the end of the day the house is a mess and I’m feeling all kinds of crazy. That was an exaggerated example but you get my drift. I’ve been trying to be super mindful of finishing what I’m doing if possible before moving on to the next.
+ Pushups | I am ashamed to admit it but I don’t think I can do a REAL pushup. HOW?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! I am such a weakling and need to make it a goal of mine to be able to do a set of them. What do we think — 25? 50? Can someone please disclose the average number of pushups a female in her early 30s can do?! If I want nice wedding arms – looks like I’ve got some work to do!!
+ Make an impact | I’m not sure how exactly I’m going to do this quite yet but I want to use my platform and voice in more meaningful ways this year.
+ Organize | For me, this is geared more towards important documents and receipts. I’m truly a hot mess in that department so it’s time to get all that in check.
…& that’s all! Cheers to 2021!