I am back from New York and I have no pictures to share. Why, you ask? Because I am an all-star and left my iPhone in a cab Saturday night. However, it is safe to say the 24 hour cell phone cleanse and excessive doll-hairs I dropped on a new one was worth the memories with my girls.
I had the afternoon left to mix up something new in the kitchen. This chia seed pudding is seriousssssly so good and so simple to make. I know it looks weird & all but it is bomb diggity. Plus, it’s something new for the palette.
>> mix together the first 3 ingredients (hold the fruit until the end)
>> let the mixture set in the fridge
>> check on your mixture the first 30 mins. & whisk to prevent the chia seeds from clumping
>> let the pudding sit for about 3 hours or overnight for best texture results
>> top with fruit (I used peaches, raspberries, and blackberries)
The final product should have the consistency similar to that of tapioca pudding.
(makes about 3 servings)
Chias are a great source of fiber, omega-3s, protein, calcium, and antioxidants. Read more about these babies here.
{shop my kitchen} target dip bowls >> i couldn’t say no to these precious kitchen accessories
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