Kiwi Dark Chocolate Pops


True Life: I am a victim of the vicious salty-sweet cycle of doom.

You know, you know…. when you eat something salty, then you NEED something sweet…. then you definitely NEED something salty again… then you concoct some really weird salty/sweet combo such as caramel cream pretzel sandwiches (that actually happened)… and it usually will only come to an end by putting a muzzle on… just kidding. But sometimes I wish I had one for that purpose.

The idea came to me last night when the salty-sweet beast came over me. I wanted to somehow beat the cycle by AT LEAST picking a healthy alternative….and TA-DA: Kiwi Dark Chocolate Pops! (found from FashionLush blog — & how freaking cute are they?!)


You’ll only need 3 simple ingredients & pop sticks:

[kiwi] + [dark chocolate] + [unsweetened coconut flakes]

I made 3 different pops:





peel & slice kiwi // cut kiwi into 1/2 inch chunks // freeze kiwi chunks // melt chocolate on 50% heat in 30 second increments while mixing after each until smooth // dip completely or drizzle chocolate on top // sprinkle coconut flakes while the chocolate is still wet // let dry // store in fridge or freezer to avoid melting


So they say dark chocolate (NOT milk or white chocolate) is actually good for you *GASP*

I’m not a huge chocolate lover… I really have to be in the mood for it & would never eat it plain… but good news for you choco-lovers— according to WebMD & this article, dark chocolate (in moderation) can help lower blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular disease, & serves as a potent antioxidant. Win-win situation, eh?!

I had leftover chocolate so I made some extra sweet treats for my favorite peeps — chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles, coconut, & caramel.


What fulfills your sweet tooth cravings?

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