2 Ingredient Banana Pancakes


If the only thing you’ve got to your name are eggs and bananas, you can make these healthy, fabulous, light, and delicioso pancakes. Just mash up 1 nanner & 1 beaten egg (1:1 ratio) & you’ll have yourself some paleo-diet-friendly $ silva dolla $ pancakes.

Now the 2-ingredient recipe is seriously good as is, but I will usually add a few extra ingreds if I have them.



[ 2 eggs ]

[ 2 bananas ]

[ 1 tbsp chia seeds ]

[ 2 tsp cinnamon ]

[ 2 tsp vanilla ]

[ 1 tbsp coconut oil for the pan ]

[ drizzle of all-natural maple syrup ]

[ make sure you let each side cook long enough or else they will be a flimsy-floppy mess when trying to flip them ]

I love cooking with coconut oil. The flavor is so mild & truly doesn’t take on any coconut essence like you would think (even though I wouldn’t mind because I lurrrvv coconut). I’ve used coconut oil in recipes like my Low Carb Crab Cakes and have found that it is a great substitute for healthy cooking.


Aside from it’s benefits in recipes, you can use it as a beauty product >> read 101 ways to use this magical edible-oil.


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